Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What's a day like?

There's a stark difference between reality and expectation at ISB. In an ideal world, we would have finished off work by 7 PM and played snooker for an hour before retiring for some pre-reading for the next day. But the day transpires somewhat like this...

7.30 Am - The alarm buzzes, you put it on snooze. Before you know it, you've slept through three snoozes and its already 8.13 AM. No breakfast before the 8.45 lecture. To top it all, your roomie has invariably occupied the loo and bathroom and seems to be meditating (no offence Aseem!). Nicotine count starts. Family members reading this, don't get agitated, there's lots more where that came from.

8.43 AM- You're waiting at the lift, idly wondering whether the average wait time for the lift has an average wait-time that follows a poisson distribution. You're then wondering whether you've become a total loser.

8.45 Am - 10.45 AM- Lectures. (Snoozetime)
10.45 AM-11.15 AM - Break. Nicotine count upped by 4. Caffeine inputs - 2
11.15-13.15 - Lectures. I guess I'll devote another post to the lectures. The profs are truly unbelievably amazing, but we're invariably sleep deprived. You'll see why. In the meantime we've been given a ton of assignments.

13.15 - 14.45 - Lunch. One of ISB's great distinguishing characteristics is the lines that form everywhere - CCD, lunch room, cafe, loo (between lectures). Hence the mind goes back to idly wondering about the average wait-time distribution.

14.45- 1800 - The dark time. Nobody knows where the hell these three odd hours disappear. In a cloud of smoke, you may say...and that's accurate actually. Nicotine count upped to 10.

1800 - 2030 - Meet with study group. try to read stats. Wonder why you're not getting any sum right out of CI and Control Limits when you suddenly discover that you've been reading the answer key for the chapter on Sampling. Phew, you're not that much of a dumbass.

2031-2200 - I guess you can call this dinner. By this time, my Classic Milds box has but a few tobacco leaves left. Where the hell did they go?

2215: Sit with study group/friends again... try to figure out 3sigma limits, normal curves and other such beauties. Before you know it its close to midnight. You've not started on the Eco assignment yet... and not done any pre-reading for Marketing. NO CP IN CLASS TOMORROW...HOW DO I MAKE THE DEAN'S LIST?!

0100 - Three games of TT later, you wander around SV1. There's more clouds of smoke filling the air. You decide to get back to the Eco assignment but thats about 1 hr of socialising later. Stray beer bottles pop up ... and it's a welcome break!

0300 - All you've understood from Eco is MR=MC. Decide that you'd rather keep your mouth shut... and sleep. Someone is pinging you on Gchat for another sutta, but you'd rather keep an eye out for Lizards, monitors and others from the menagerie that we're occupying. Is it morning yet?

And so it goes... fun innit?


Ajeeth said...

You never said if you won the game of TT...i think not. :)
Keep bloggin man.

Anuja said...

"..idly wondering whether the average wait time for the lift has an average wait-time that follows a poisson distribution"

Where is the Irshad I knew???

reptile said...

Wow! And you have the time to write this?

But, like all things Irshadian, it's a very interesting read. Do keep banging away at the ivories.

Ah..sweet expectation management, truly the key to a happy life...


Irshad Daftari said...

Ajeeth - Depends on who I'm playing with. Win some, lose some!

Anuja - Ergo the qualifier..."Have i become a total loser?!" Heh. Some semblence of sanity remains.

Harshal - This takes all of 10 mins. Plus I'm learning efficient time management!

Irshad Daftari said...
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